Shellfish-OpenImages Dataset

Shared By

Jacob Solawetz

July 2020


CC BY 4.0

More Info



Object Detection

Image example


This dataset contains 581 images of various shellfish classes for object detection. These images are derived from the Open Images open source computer vision datasets.

This dataset only scratches the surface of the Open Images dataset for shellfish!

Image example

Use Cases

  • Train object detector to differentiate between a lobster, shrimp, and crab.
  • Train object dector to differentiate between shellfish
  • Object detection dataset across different sub-species
  • Object detection among related species
  • Test object detector on highly related objects
  • Train shellfish detector
  • Explore the quality and range of Open Image dataset

Tools Used to Derive Dataset

Image example

These images were gathered via the OIDv4 Toolkit This toolkit allows you to pick an object class and retrieve a set number of images from that class with bound box lables.

We provide this dataset as an example of the ability to query the OID for a given subdomain. This dataset can easily be scaled up - please reach out to us if that interests you.